

With profound devotion and obeisance to lord Ganesha and all the great sages who laid down their knowledge of predictions for the benefit of millions of us. We at astrotattva are attempting a leap at our best to help you to understand the secrets of astrology in a very simple and lucid language.

Astrology has always been a much praised as well the most criticised occult science. I have deep rooted faith and found it giving us alarming and surprising results in predicting our future.

We are happy to introduce you to a precise and subjective course on Basic astrology.

Basic Astrology

Eligibility: Desire to learn and interest to explore this occult science of prediction.

Module 1Module 2
Introduction to astrologyRahu – ketu analysis
The 12 zodiacs signs /Rasi and its significanceExplanations and significance of karakas
Major divisions of a chartDifferent combinations in a chart
Planets and chaya grahasAvasthas and strength of planets
27 Nakshatras and its importanceVedic aspects of major planets
Secrets of the Lumanaries -sun and moon.General Interpretation of a chart

Advanced astrology

Eligibility: learners with basic knowledge of astrology.

Astrology involves a deep rooted study of different Vedic scriptures and text, but however by large our experience is that this science challenges the study beyond the reach of most human. Just to ease your thirst to know more, we are linking the KP system with the Vedic method, thus expounding the importance of sub lord and cuspal theory.

Module 1Module 2
Introduction to kp systemRuling planets and its significance
Rasi and bhavas in kpRetrogression of planets
Cuspal sub lord theoryTheory of combustion
Importance of significtors in kpUsing Vedic aspects in kp.
Analysis of moon and lagnaWestern aspects in kp
Practical explanation of birth chartHorary prashna marga (1 to 249)
Concept of PoorvapunyasPractical explanation of horary chart

Key words: Drawing a chart is your knowledge, but reading a chart is wisdom.

For all details regarding the course fees and mode of payment, do mail us at subhashnair@live.com