Astro Services

If you have your birth details

Horoscope making

We require you to provide your exact time, place and date of birth. In case you have a doubt on the same you can request a rectification by BTR method

BTR or Birth time rectification by KP.

KP, popularly known as Krishnamurthy Padhdhati helps us to rectify your birth time with the divine grace of ruling planets.


Detailed analysis of chart

Education ,Career and profession

Marriages and relationships

Compatibility of charts

Money and finance

Health and misfortunes

Luck and speculation

In case you don’t know your birth details

Prashna Margas

Cowrie system-It is the traditional kerala method of casting a chart to identify the presence ,cause and solution of a problem.

Horary method (KP) –The casting of chart involves selecting a horary number between (1 to 249). Refer article section for details.